
Governet Project - Work Package n. 3

"Vie del gusto" Project Area
Analysis of spatial, socio-economic and Institutional impacts - Synthesis

Authors: Luca Ciresola, Giuliano Zanon
COSES - Consorzio per la Ricerca e la Formazione
May 2005

Translation by a&b servizi linguistici s.r.l., Padova


The Project Area (PA) includes Campagna Lupia and Mirano, where the realisation of the project "Vie del gusto" within the framework of the initiative interreg III is underway. The two towns both belong to the peri-urban Area of Mestre (study area n.2 of the Governet project) but are very different. Consequently, they are very significant to verify the effects of the project and the parametres developed to evaluate them.
From the start of the last century, Mirano has played an important role compared to the neighbouring centres, for its administration, health and legal system, schooling, services for its citizens and economic activities of the neighbouring areas. It is characterised by typical factors of an urban area, in a context which was once rural and is now the suburbs of a popular town. Following the development of the industrial area of Marghera, Mirano benefited from the expansion of the venetian central area. Today it belongs to the first urban belt of the chieftown. It is affected by the typical popular nature of fordistic big towns and its peculiar life cycle which caused the center to lose its importance and progressively involve the first and second belts of the municipalities.
Campagna Lupia is a typical agricultural center rapidly changing. Starting from the seventies, many workers no longer working in the primary industry found jobs in the factories of Marghera and in the building and service industries of the chieftown. Now it therefore has a mixed system. It offers the big centers of Venice and Padova manpower specialised in the building, transport and industrial sector.

The social context

The physical and morphological aspect of the territory in the two towns is very different. The project area extend over a surface of 133,32 km2 (about 14% of the territory corresponding to the Mestre peri-urban Area).

"Vie del gusto" Project Area. Surface of municipalities of Campagna Lupia and Mirano

Source: COSES elaboration

The biggest town inside is Campagna Lupia with 87.7 km2 (against 45.6 km2 of Mirano). The first one is located south of the chieftown and faces the lagoon slope. It therefore includes vast areas of water and lands subject to the extension of the tides (open lagoon about 33 km2), and a part of the closed lagoon (about 24 km2), for fish rearing.
Compared to Campagna Lupia, Mirano is much more a bigger (26 thousand against about 6 thousand). Considering the smaller land surface, the first has a considerably higher living density (574 inhab./km2th respect to the second (210 inhab./km2, only calculated on the visible part).
As regards the demographic trend, the population living at Mirano is not dynamic. It lost dozens of inhabitants during the last few years. The population increased by 1.6% in 2003 and by 0.8% in 2004, also thanks to a positive balance.
Moreover, Campagna Lupia has a relatively young population. The elderly above 65 years amount to 102 each 100 young people less than 15 years (old age index). This index amounts to 143 in Mirano.
A higher level of education and a higher number of graduates attest the more urban nature of Mirano compared to the other town.

IndicatorCampagna LupiaMirano
Population (inhabitants) 6.000 26.000
Population/km2 (inhabitants) 210 574
Index of oldness (pop. over 65 / pop. < 15) 102 143
Index of dependence (pop. < 15 + pop. over 65) / pop. 15-64 38 45
Employment rate (employees / pop. over 15) (%) 51 48
GDP 2000 / inhabitants 2001 (Euro) 17.300 22.700
Source: ISTAT, Censimento della Popolazione e delle Abitazioni 2001; Rur-Censis

Almost 45 people of the non-working population depend on 100 of the working population (index of dependence). This number goes down to 38 in Campagna Lupia, with a considerable number of young people below fifteen.
In 2001, the level of unemployment in the PA was 48.5%, higher than the peri-urban Area of Mestre (47.3%) and that of the province of Venice (47.2%). In Campagna Lupia, the indicator is above average in the PA (51.3%, against 47.9% of Mirano). This is justified by the higher number of people between 15 and 64.
The difference of the employment level between men and women is particularly high, in favour of the former in the entire PA, but particularly in Campagna Lupia.
Entertainment places are rather rare in both PA towns. As regards Mirano, this is a partial exception considering the factors aforementioned which highlighted its typical urban nature.
The total number of accidents in agriculture is low and almost the same in both towns, though the number of workers at Mirano is three times that of Campagna Lupia.

The economic context

The income per capita of the two towns in the PA area is inferior to the average level in the province (23.500 euros). The value of Mirano (22.700 euros) is clearly higher than that of Campagna Lupia (17.300 euros), hence attesting its more urban nature.
Even as regards the flux of tourists, Mirano benefits from its proximity to Venice and its attractive points. Artisitic, architectonic, and environmental resources also play an important role. The protected site known as "Bosco del Parauro", is an example of the park system and urban villas in the center of the town.
The working population in the two towns are employed in a very different way in the three macro-sectors. Almost 50% of the population works in the industrial sector in Campagna Lupia, while in Mirano more than 60% work in the tertiary industry.

'Vie del gusto' Project Area. Distribution of
employees per sector. Year 2001

Sector Campagna Lupia Mirano Area di Progetto
"Vie del gusto"
Agricolture (*) 11,7 6,8 7,5
Industry 22,0 21,9 22,0
Building 27,4 8,0 10,6
Commerce 10,7 14,5 14,0
Hotel and restaurant 3,5 3,4 3,4
Transports and comunications 7,1 1,7 2,4
Finance 1,2 2,3 2,1
Real estate, hiring, informatics, research, profes. and entrepr. activ. 5,9 10,6 10,0
Civil service and defence; Compulsory Social Insurance1,7 1,4 1,5
Education 6,0 9,6 9,1
Public Health Service and other social services 1,0 15,5 13,6
Other public social and personal services 1,7 4,3 3,9
Total 100,0 100,0 100,0
Source: ISTAT Censimento Industria e Servizi 2001; ISTAT Censimento Agricoltura 2000
(*) For agriculture, the number of farmer (IAP) is considered

However, statistics indicate that Campagna Lupia is specialised in agriculture, with a percentage of the working population (4,5%) higher than Mirano (2%) and compared to the whole province (3.5%). Hence it is attested that Mirano is specialised in the tertiary industry.
The local units operating in the PA employ just over 11 thousand workers. 87% in Mirano and 13% in Campagna Lupia. This percentage which indicates the economic importance of the two towns, almost represents their demography.
This ratio is attested in the industrial and touristic sector. In the case of Mirano, tourism flourishes thanks to the higher number of hotels while Campagna Lupia has a relatively higher number of catering activities.
There is however a considerable difference in both towns as regards Health, Social and personal services, Education and Finance (which is above 95% of the PA workers in Mirano) as well as the building and transport industry (much more higher in Campagna Lupia).
To conclude, Campagna Lupia is changing from a prevalently agricultural economy to a more structured one. This change is thanks to the building industry and employment in logistics and transport. It currently offers manpower for the industry and services in the area neighbouring the chieftown.
The operators of the local Industrial units in both towns amount to almost a quarter of all the operator (23.5%). The economic productivity of Mirano is however based on the tertiary Industry. The most numerous sectors are trade and Health, both with 16% of the overall workers. Important health and aid structures including almost all branches of high schools make Mirano attractive for a wideranging neighbouring area. On the other hand, Campagna Lupia has a considerable number of workers in the construction sector (30% of the overall workers). This sector registers a similar portion of local units, with a rather high average dimension. This attests how it is a well structured activity In the productive sector of the town.
Agriculture is also important in both towns, though the proportion and aptitude is different in both areas. There are various agricultural companies in Mirano (1.056 units), However, the working population living in Mirano who declare to work in this sector only amounts to 215. It is therefore probable that a few people work in the agricultural sector but this is not statistically registered. This Justifies both the high number of working days in agriculture registered in the town, and the number of people considered farm laborers (3.348 units from 2000 Agriculture Census).
Considering these factors, an evaluation was made by transforming the work days In standard agriculture work units (710 units) to ensure a more precise comparison with other productive sectors, Another factor which attests the considerable number of farm labourers in Mirano is the diffusion of "rare" cultivations (radicchio, for example) which can also profitably utilize part-time personnel.
The situation in Campagna Lupia is very different. Though the number of farms is very inferior (298 units), the percentage of people employed in all sectors (4,5%) is on the contrary much more significant. This attests the specialisation of Campagna Lupia in agriculture (from statistics) compared to Mirano, and all the province of Venice.
The high level of irregular workers is a sign of integration with other sectors on income and private consumption of the families. This connection is facilitated by the Job opportunities in other productive sectors, in the peri-urban area and by work administration which encourages flexible work time (vacation, shifts, part-time, work at home), and also allows room for farm work. In some cases, the productive specialisation and the positive economic yield of the cultivations make agriculture an attractive extra activity. Even the opportunity to build in a rural area encouraged people to continue living In the "farm" which was once the main economic resource and is now a useful integration to their income. Though it is manifested differently in both towns, the integration between sectors is from income and production for private consumption.

Land use

Despite its more urban nature and the minor overall land extension, the total agricultural surface (TAA) is considerably higher than Mirano (70%) compared to Campagna Lupia (about 50%), even though in the second case the comparison is only with the surface that emerged.
Therefore, even if the portion of agricultural surface utilised (UAA) compared to that for agriculture is superior in Campagna Lupia, Mirano has a double UAA in absolute terms (27 against 13 km2). Mirano also has a considerable portion of unused land for agriculture, for green urban areas and given over to a park.

IndicatorCampagna LupiaMirano
Number of farm 298 1.056
TAA (km2) 15 32
UAA / surface (%)50 70
UAA (km2) 13 27
UAA / farm (hectares) 4,3 2,5
Source: ISTAT Censimento Agricoltura 2000

Confronted with a double surface, Mirano's farms are three times bigger than that of Campagna Lupia. Consequently, land surface utilised per farm is considerably smaller (2,5 against 4,3 hectares). This information derives from a historical sedimentation of the creation of establishments in the central area of Venice in the distant past and with a more traditional organizational pattern compared to the ones in the area facing the lagoon which were largely reclaimed for agriculture in the first decades of the last century. This factor also consolidated farms with considerable land.
Not surprisingly, considering this farm structure, a higher UAA percentage was allocated to cereals in Campagna Lupia (46%) compared to Mirano, where this cultivation is less than half of the UAA. On the other hand, the other seeds have a high percentage in Mirano, amounting to one and a half that of Campagna Lupia. Despite this fact, both municipalities cultivate interesting typical and specialised products (asparagus, wine, salad and radicchio).
Though calculated as a sample, some indicators determine the agricultural productivity per land unit utilised and per person employed in agriculture. Among the various farm products, the income is basically lower than average in the region as regards cereals and other seeds, superior for hortifloriculture and milk and cattle rearing.

The Institutional Context

Campagna Lupia benefits from a share of funds utlized for projects of rural development of more than 1.1 million euros (more than Mirano, with about 873 thousand euros). This further attests the importance of this sector in this town. If referred to the residents, the indicator is particularly high for Campagna Lupia.

The environment

The quantity of annual urban waste per capita produced in this municipality is lower than that of Mirano. This further attests that the later is more urban. It Is however Campagna Lupia between the two PA towns which has a higher percentage (over all waste) of separate collection of rubbish.

Indicator Mirano Campagna LupiaProvince of Venezia Veneto Region
Production of urban solid waste per annum 2003 (t) 13.638,76 2.203,71 491.282
Per capita production of urban solid waste (Kg/capita/year) 521,55338,66 604
Production of recycled wastes (t) 4.768,56 1.276,95 _ _
Recycled / total (%) 35% 58% _ _
Source: ARPA Veneto (2003) and National Waste Observatory (2003)

As regards the ecological-environmental condition of streams, the indicators (calculated on ARPAV samples) show a very poor quality for both Mirano and Campagna Lupia. Considering the low number of survey stations on both territories, this evaluation is not representative of all streams, but only of those analysed.
Compared to the regional average, the PA towns consume less electric energy (Kwh/year/per capita) in agriculture and more in other sectors. They are both within the regional average as regards the share utilised by the citizens.

Fondaco Venezia - Cap. 16 Governet Project
